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The redtoothed triggerfish (Odonus niger) is a triggerfish of the tropical Indo-Pacific area, and the sole member of its genus.

Some other common names include Blue Triggerfish, Redfang Triggerfish, Redtoothed filefish, and Niger Triggerfish.


What is the maximum size?
They can reach 45cm.
Where is its origin and where is it exported from?
The Blue Triggerfish comes from the Indo Pacific.
Is it Reef Compatible?
What should I feed it?
Best to feed a varied diet of algae, frozen foods and live food.
How many can I keep?
Can be kept on its own, in pairs or groups if added together as juveniles.
How compatible is it with other fish?
Juveniles are fairly placid but this fish grows large and can turn aggressive towards tank mates. So pick large fish that are equally as robust and aggressive. Can bite it's owners so be careful when cleaning out.
Can it be bred in the aquarium?

Redtooth Tiggerfish

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